My Life

Libatkan Allah dalam setiap urusan

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Tugas: Public Place

Public Place  adalah salah sau topik dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Tak sedikit dari sekolah memberi tugas untuk mecariapa itu public place dan beebrapa contohnya disertai gambar dan diberi keterangan dalam bahasa Inggris juga.
Sekarang saya akan bahas topik tersebut mulai dari definisinya hingga  contoh dalam bahasa Inggris.
A public place  is a social place that is generally open and accessible to people.  People always come together to perform an activity either temporarily or continuously and either pay mapupun not pay . Public places can also be interpreted as a means organized by the government , private or individual that is used for activities for the community.
Examples of public place are:
1.      mosque
2.      airport                                         
3.      apartment building                     
4.      bank                                                           
5.      library                                            
6.      book store                                   
6.      mall                                               
7.      bus stop                                          
8.      park                                                
9.      school
10.  department store                         
11.  fire department                           
12.  gas station                                     
13.  hospital

Post office : a place to send letter. 
“Jakarta Railway station”
Railway station: the place to wait train 
School : the place to study 

Untuk selengkapnya bersama detail gambar satu persatu bisa di download di link berikut public place.pdf 


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