My Life

Libatkan Allah dalam setiap urusan

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Lesson plan

Lesson Plan

Topic   : Numbers
Date    : September,17thn 2012
1.      Goal
Enable students to acquire the overall meaning of choosen vocabularies at elementary level.
2.      Objective
Terminal lesson objective, students are able to:
·         Identify the meaning of choosen vocabularies of numbers.
·         Read the vocabularies of numbers.
·         Write the vocabularies of numbers.
·         Spell the vocabularies of numbers.
3.      Materials
·         Vocabulary Materi tentang number
·         Manila paper to make material of game

4.      Media
·         Power  point
·         Song of numbers

5.      Procedure
·         Opening the class
-          Assalamualaikum...How are you today? I think, we are fine this morning.
-          Pray before study
·         Introduction the study
“Today we are going to talk about numbers. Maybe you know about it before in kindergarten, don’t it?”
·         Study about numbers
-          Introduce the kinds of numbers.
-          Spell the numbers.
-          Song a sing
-          Card game
-          Make a group and play memory game
·         Closing the class
-          Repeat about numbers
-          Walaikum salam....
-          Pray before  go home

6.      Evaluation

7.      References
Tea,Taufik.2009.Inspiring Teaching Mendidik Penuh Inspirasi.Depok:Gema Insani
International People Center.Speaking Book-Interpeace language Education ..............Center.Pare Kediri
Baron,Paul.2009.Brain Power SD:Aktivitas , Permainan , dan ide  ……….praktisBelajar di luar kelas.Jakarta:Esensi Erlangga Group
Kustandi,Bam.2009.Media Pembelajaran Manual dan Didital.Bogor:Ghalia  ………. ………. ……….Indonesia


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